The History of Ash Island

Links - Videos and Information

The Scott Sisters

This is a story about art, science, family, survival, loss, transformation and conservation. The true story of teenage sisters Harriet and Helana Scott, avoiding obstacles and turning the science world on its head at a time when women couldn’t even study science. It’s also the story of scientific illustration work so accurate and ground-breaking, it is still used today, nearly 180 years after they were first created. This is a Newcastle story which has grown to become an International story. Novocastrians need to know it and be proud of it. We hope you enjoy it. “This is a ripper story”, Councillor Carol Duncan, Lost Newcastle

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Ash Island - Book by Barry Maitland

Ash Island is the second book of the Belltree Trilogy.Detective Sergeant Harry Belltree has a new posting. Away from Sydney, where he was nearly killed by a corrupt colleague and is now an embarrassment. Off to a quiet life in Newcastle. Or maybe not so quiet. A body’s been dug up on Ash Island. It may not be the only one.Harry’s got unfinished business in the area, too. The car crash that killed his parents and blinded his wife Jenny happened not far from Newcastle – and Harry knows it was no accident. But the other unfinished business is Jenny’s longed-for pregnancy. Which means that now, when Harry’s investigation starts to get dangerous, the stakes are higher than ever Maitland just gets better.

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The Scott Sisters by Vanessa Finner

Vanessa Finney, Transformations: Harriet and Helena Scott, colonial Sydney’s finest natural history painters. Vanessa Finney, the Australian Museum’s chief archivist and librarian, has patiently pulled together what is known of these two extraordinary women. Historical records are imperfect, from subtle omissions through to glaring gaps.

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Huner Local Land Services

Local Land Services is a regional-focused NSW Government agency delivering quality customer services to farmers, landholders and the wider community. We help people make better decisions about the land they manage and assist rural and regional communities to be profitable and sustainable into the future. We connect people with groups, information, support and funding to improve agricultural productivity and better manage our natural resources. Our experienced staff can answer questions on issues including: agricultural production, biosecurity, natural resource management, help during emergencies.

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Hunter Bird Observers Club

Formed in 1976, the Hunter Bird Observers Club (HBOC) is the largest club in the Hunter Region that caters specifically for those with an interest in bird life in its natural habitat. We meet the second Wednesday of every month except January, at the Hunter Wetlands Centre (see Contacts section for a map) and visitors are welcomed. Also we have a regular program of field activities for members and visitors. The Club has two objectives:To encourage and further the study and conservation of Australian birds and their habitat, To encourage bird observing as a leisure-time activity.

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Kooragang Wetlands

Explore the history of the islands in the estuary of the Hunter River. Walk in nature on the boardwalks and trails on Ash Island. Have a picnic at one of the many rustic tables and benches scattered around the Schoolmasters House precinct. Self-service tea, coffee, water and maps plus ecological and family history information is available in the historic and lovingly restored Schoolmasters House. Hunter Wetlands National Park is accessed via the Ash Island bridge, 12 km west of Newcastle.

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Hunter Volunteer Centre

The objectives of HVC are: Education and information, Advocacy, support and networking, Volunteer recruitment and placement Public relations and research. To support, involve and represent volunteers (and their interests) throughout the Hunter Region. To provide, maintain and develop the Hunter Volunteer Centre as a community facility for volunteers and those who work with them, with particular reference to:To provide support and practical help to disadvantaged families and individuals through the provision of volunteer positions; thus enabling them to enhance their life skills, chances of employment, and to develop and maintain control of their lives.

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Ash Island - Hunter Living Histories - University of Newcastle

There has been an ongoing and growing interest in the life and work of the Scott Sisters of Ash Island. Harriet (1830-1907) and Helena (1832-1910) Scott were the talented daughters of Alexander Walker Scott (1800-1883) and his wife Harriet (c.1802/3 – 1866). I have assembled everything to date (i.e. September 2014) that I can find on the property and its location on Ash Island. We hope to be able to sponsor a return of our 3D Artist Charles Martin to recreate the Islands of the Hunter River estuary and the homestead of A.W. Scott in the coming months.

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The Islanders - A Chat with Vera Deacon

A short film based on conversations with the amazing Vera Deacon, whose contributions to history, conservation and philanthropy in Newcastle, Australia are too great to be covered in one go. This film is a collection of stories from Vera’s early life on the islands of the Hunter River. This film was created in partnership with thanks to Newcastle Libraries.

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Vera Deacon

Hunter Living Histories

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Vera Deacon

Vera Deacon: A Pen Portrait Part 1: 1926-1946. – Free Online Library (

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Vera Deacon

Newcastle historian, writer and environmentalist Vera Deacon farewell at Mayfield’s funeral | Newcastle Herald – Sydney News Today.

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